So miss Maddypants had to give up her beloved pacifier at the age of 3 months! I took her in to the doctor yesterday as she has been really upset and not her happy-go-lucky self. Result: Ear infection in both ears again:( Poor baby. She was in so much pain! I am guessing we're heading down a well known roads towards tubes, but we're still crossing our fingers that is not the case.
The pacifier though, is gone. I have one in her diaper bag for extreme emergencies. She did well without it today. Went down for two naps without it, but with crying for a while. I can get used to it, and I am sure she can too. It was such an easy out though, a quick way to calm her down.
So, cross your fingers this is just a fluke! And that throwing good old paci out was all that was needed to get rid of all those yucky infections!
Easy Valentine Sugar Cookies
1 week ago
Stakkars liten!! Håper det hjelper å ta bort tutten da!!
Ja, me haape de hjelpe og at hu ikkje trenge dren som de to andre.
Verste er jo at hun har veldig vondt - noe som vi ikke merket paa de to andre. TRommehinna hennes sprakk samme dag som jeg tok henne inn, saa det har nok vaert vondt ja!
Hva skjer hos dere?
hehe, e helt enige...ka skjer?? forutenom på facebook da :)
JOda, ska se om eg kan faa oppdatera snart:) Har vore litt sjuke dei siste dagane saa eg har vore paa benken ein go del. Men i maaraa ska eg ta igjen:) KJekt aa veta at noen lure paa ka saa skjer:)
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