So miss Maddypants had to give up her beloved pacifier at the age of 3 months! I took her in to the doctor yesterday as she has been really upset and not her happy-go-lucky self. Result: Ear infection in both ears again:( Poor baby. She was in so much pain! I am guessing we're heading down a well known roads towards tubes, but we're still crossing our fingers that is not the case.
The pacifier though, is gone. I have one in her diaper bag for extreme emergencies. She did well without it today. Went down for two naps without it, but with crying for a while. I can get used to it, and I am sure she can too. It was such an easy out though, a quick way to calm her down.
So, cross your fingers this is just a fluke! And that throwing good old paci out was all that was needed to get rid of all those yucky infections!
Easy Valentine Sugar Cookies
1 week ago