Changes are so hard! And to force yourself to change yourself is not fun, but I have high hopes that by making some changes in my life I will be happier, healthier, more relaxed and this more fun to be with:)
Being pregnant at the first of the year gave a good excuse not to come up with any new years resolutions. Now though, since adding a member to our family went pretty quick and it was an easy adjustment, I figured I can see if I can maybe get some things changed around the house (meaning me first and foremost). I also want to get our house organized (yeah, I know I have said that so many times and it never happened, but nesting when I was pregnant helped make a foundation, and the nesting instinct is not quite gone yet so I want to take advantage of it).
So, over the next few weeks I will be working on changing me, and the house - trying to slim down both places:)
I will be taking baby steps, so these first few weeks I will just up my water intake and chart it, aim for one long walk every day ( I hope to walk the 5K during the Med City Marathon. (actually, I want to run the 5K, but I am not sure I will be able to do that with my back being all sassy these days), and work on one (1!) room every week to get it organized.
So, if you have any good organizing ideas for me, send them my way! I am more than happy to take directions from people:)
I have always been happy not to be anal about cleaning and organizing, but man, these days I wish I had been born afraid of dirt and mess:)
So wish me luck and cross your fingers I can get this to work for more than a month:)
Easy Valentine Sugar Cookies
1 week ago
Hei hei
Krysse fingrane for at du klare måla du har satt deg :) alltid kjekkare når det rydding rundt en, sjøl om det e veldig lett å rota.....! Lykke te :)
Takk for de! Koss gaar de me huset daakkas? Kati e innflyttings dato?
Jo det går på fram, men sko gjerna sett at det gikk litt fortare :) Eg hadde håpt me sko komma inn te påske, men tror ikkje me klare d. E litt arbeid som gjenstår på utsida, før me kan få tillatelse fra kommunen te å flytta inn. Men glede meg masse :) Blir d noen norgestur på dåkker i nærmaste framtid da? Det ska jo vær russ- 99 fest i slutten av mai :)
komme nok ikkje hjem te russa festen, men haape de ikkje blir saa altfor lenge itte de:) Spors kos oekonomien staar te vettu:)men naar me komme hjem saa maa me treffas! Kansje me kan faa na Laila me oss og?:)
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