Thursday, March 27, 2008

Crafty days

Oki, so some days I feel more crafty than others - usually if there is a mountain of cleaning to do or something else less enticing - and here are some of my results. I love scrap booking and card making and currently I am actually working on knitting a scarf! We'll see if that ever gets done:)

Victoria enjoying the summer fruit at Grandma's.

Victoria with cousin Daniel and Grandpa playing in the snow.

I guess what is currently keeping on the computer is my pile of laundry that needs to be ready and cleaned tomorrow afternoon as we're heading out of town then. I have already cleaned out the fridge, mopped the floor and cleaned all the dishes to not have to deal with the laundry, but I am running out of things to do!

We'll be heading to drop my dad off in a few hours, as soon as Victoria wakes up from her nap i am guessing. Yes, she still naps and No, I am not going to make her stop yet! I treasure the time when my house is completely still and I have time to clean (or more likely nap or read a book) al by myself! :)

Tonight I am teaching through community education again and though it makes for a long day I really enjoy it. Then next week we'll be off and I can spend time doing nothing before going at it again:)

Anyways, enough for now:) Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Håper dere har hatt en fin tur til Moorhead!