I have not posted since June 17th! Kaia was only 2 months old and she is not coming up on 7 months! Yikes! Like really did get more busy with two little ones:)
I guess I could recap the past few months, but instead, I Will just post what is going on right now.
Our house is off the market and we hope to re-list in the Spring. My dream house sold, so I am not in too much of a hurry now:)
Thanksgiving is coming up and we'll be celebrating in town with the in-laws. It is also my big 3-0 bday the Saturday after Thanksgiving! I love birthdays, others' and my own! I don't think there will be a party though due to the proximity to Thanksgiving.
Like I mentioned earlier - Kaia is almost 7 months, has two teeth and scoots around! I am certain she will be crawling in the next month. She still sleeps through the night and is a happy, happy girl.
Madeline is 22 months, a happy and smiley girl. She still loves her baby sister - sometimes too much. She has unfortunately had a tummy bug the last few days but is on the mend now.
Victoria is going, going and going:) Busy girl with many friends. Loves to be outside and can't wait for winter! She does not have that last wish from me, I can tell you that! Oh, ans he is now a whopping 8 years old!
Michael is my helper. He has grown so much lately and is so mature. I love having conversations with him about things he has learned at school! He turned 11, and it freaks me out that in 4 years he can have his driver's permit!
Kevin is working away, keeping a roof over our heads, food on the table and love in our home. I love this guy! He even cleans up puke after the kids whenever they get sick! Can't find a guy better than that!
I am at home sick - actually - took the day off since it is late start at school, and then ended up sick. Good thing I took it off, huh! Our van is in the shop. Had it fixed Friday, but then Saturday the check engine light popped on, so it is back. Hopefully nothing major!
I also teach Norwegian again, twice a week, through Sons of Norway here in town. I love it! I have a great group of students and they make me laugh. I do wish I did not have to take two evenings away from my family, but that is how it is right now.
I have to dig out our camera and post picture from the last half a year, but for now, this will suffice to show we are still alive:)
Easy Valentine Sugar Cookies
1 week ago